Krista Renee



Oil & Acrylic Paintings

Pet Portraits

Krista Renee Fort Worth Texas Artist, great blue heron painting

Pet Portraits

Krista Renee fort worth texas pet portrait artist grey cat nebalung pet portrait
Krista Renee Fort Worth artist German Shepherd pet portrait custom painting
Krista Renee pet portrait artist


Krista Renee Fort Worth Texas Artist, agave painting
Krista Renee Fort Worth Texas Artist, chicken rooster painting
Krista Renee Fort Worth Texas Artist, owl painting
Krista Renee Fort Worth Texas Artist, pineapple splatter painting
Krista Renee Fort Worth Texas Artist, great blue heron painting

The Artist

Originally from San Angelo, Texas, I moved to Fort Worth in 2014 and have since called it home. I grew up out in the country, riding horses bareback and tromping through fields barefoot, dodging goat heads and mesquite thorns. Thanks to my upbringing, I’ve always held a deep reverence for the natural world and a great love for the creatures large and small that inhabit it. Today, I bring my adoration for all these critters to life through my artwork. 
As a pet parent to two cats, Wednesday and Demetrius (pictured) and a spunky German Shepherd rescue pup named Layla, I could not imagine life without my pets. Getting to know and appreciate my own pets’ wonderful and unique personalities inspires me to capture the love other pet owners have for their beloved pets. 
Krista Renee Oil and Acrylic artist

Custom Pet Portraits

I’ll work with you to capture the personality and essence of your beloved pet. Want something out of the box? I can do that too! Let’s bring your dream to life. 

Stay in Touch

Yep. That’s it.